one caveat. The rising price of gold and silver is to a degree the result on inflation. This inflation effect capex and very likely the AISC as well. Its anyones guess as to which extent.

Have a good day, thanks for the post.

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A point well taken.

However, where silver has more than doubled from the value assumed in the $BHS Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate from 2018, it is unlikely that CAPEX and OPEX will have doubled as well. Up 25%, sure. 50% maybe, 100% not very likely.

And my own sense is that $30 is a new base for silver. I, along with people who are much smarter than I am, think $35 is the next target and $40 will be seen by year end.

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Oh yeah, I didn't mean to imply AISC moved up that much, that would be impossible. It's just something that needs to be considered, margins aren't up THAT much. I actually agree with numbers (25 - 50 %) which is actually batshit INSANE to even consider true aftrr the course of just aa 3 years.

Consider the made up CPI numbers 🤣🤣🤣laters

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